The TRT Official Drama Of Ertugal Ghazi is made of Turkis empire or Ottoman Umpire. All Seasons of Ertugal Ghazi Daram serial is Available in Urdu.
This Drama Serial is based on the reality of the ottoman empire and how Turkey rise and help all the Muslims When Muslims are in trouble. All Seasons are based on Urdu and you can enjoy this because in this dream serial tell that how Muslims are gathered and how devilish are embolised.
The Ertugal Ghazi Start the journey of making the Islamic empire and struggled but unfortunately about his struggle he does not do that But his Son Usman does this and makes his dream comes true.
Ertugal Started his journey to save his wife Halima. Halima Wishes to become Ertugal Wife but his Bhabi Does not want to make. He Tries to do not this. But Allah Want This. Then Ertugal starts his struggle and he was a win and lets the journey start.
Finally, the Ottoman Empire Came into existence and This Family Ruled out 3 continents and six centuries.
All-Story In
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